It’s clearly a long time since I last posted, and any followers still hanging on to my Instagram to see if I’ll start making videos and talking about cycling again have scarcely been rewarded – I salute you if you’re still interested in what I’m up to at this point. I didn’t want to write a long post filled with excuses on why my blog and my Instagram went so spectacularly off the rails, so I’ll TL;DR it below:
Bought house, built kitchen from scratch, DIY’d every weekend of last summer, ran a Tough Mudder, started riding to work 4 times/week in winter, re-injured my S5/L1 disc three weeks ago.
So my plans to revive my cycling and filmmaking activities with the coming of spring are suffering a bit of a setback, with my lower back disc injury from 4 years ago rearing it’s unwelcome little head just as I was feeling my fitness and confidence return, and as the weather started to cheer up.
But now, almost 3 weeks since descending into spasms of pain while climbing on my bike to go for my first ride with friend Ben in over a year, I’m happy to say it’s getting better fast. Still no riding allowed for ~10 days, or I risk re-injuring it, but I can do 10 days.
In the mean time, I have been itching to re-start my vlog but since I have very little in the way of cycling imagery to share, and since it’s Thursday, I’ll do a #TBT to that one (and only) time 2 years ago this month that I tried actually racing my bike. What a bloody fool.
Good for you for finishing that race. I’ve been in similar races and dropped out a lapmor two after getting dropped.
Hope the back isn’t too big an issue. Mine has been acting up as my training has increased nthis spring. Sucks. Just when the legs and lungs start to feel good, the back tightens up. Ah well, ride on!