After what felt like very little preparation time, Sunday 24th rolled around and brought with it my first bike race.

I’ve tried to sum it up as best I could in my usual GoPro format here of course, but I’ve kept it relatively short and elaborated below.

Things I learned about racing, some which I ‘knew’ from watching races but never experienced for myself:

  1. The ‘neutralised’ start does NOT mean the ‘slow’ start. Holy shit I almost got dropped in the first 10 seconds.
  2. Racing in the bunch is stressful as hell, but effort-wise, not that bad provided you’re going in a straight line
  3. If you sit on the back you will have to sprint your heart out after every bend and every little climb to stay in the group
  4. It’s bloody hard to move up the bunch

Things I learned about myself:

  1. I can ride much faster than I thought I could, even on my own

My overwhelming feeling after the race was disappointment, and it hung over me all day and much of the next day too. I had said I would be happy just to compete, and maybe even stay with the bunch a while, that I would be happy just to finish. Well I stayed with the bunch for almost an hour, and rode another 1.5 hours at threshold after that on my own to finish dead-fucking-last. I know I shouldn’t be disappointed, first race, no experience, not even that fit yet, managed to average about 32kmph over the 80km, didn’t quit (almost, but not quite) … but I think in the back of my mind I was harbouring a quiet misplaced confidence.

I think there was disappointment also that I didn’t really enjoy any part of the day, but I haven’t ruled racing again out because of it. I know if I could have stayed with the bunch all the way I’d be feeling very different.

I’m still undecided about giving it another go.
